Author: mark abdoney

COVID-19 Notice

Hello all,

I hope that this communication finds you as well as to be expected during these unprecedented and uncertain times.  I am writing to inform you that we will remain OPEN for all URGENT and EMERGENT CARE NEEDS in hopes of relieving the burden such care would place on the Hospital and Medical Emergency Care system. 

For those who have closed their offices until May 8th, please know that we are here for any of your patients needs as long as they fall under the category stated above according to the mandate of Governor DeSantis.  We will be following all recommended and mandated infection control and safety protocols. 

You may also use our office (contact info below) as your urgent and emergency coverage contact thereby meeting the mandated requirement for seeing emergency patients.

Please feel free to call, text or email me with any questions you may have and please try to stay positive during this very difficult time. 

We will emerge from this and persevere forward.

“These are the times that try men’s souls”  Thomas Paine, December 23rd, 1776

Dr. Mark A. Abdoney